
Joey’s 10 Best Quotes From ‘Friends’, Ranked

Friends has some of the funniest characters in the history of American television sitcoms, but there is no other character whose humor is more noteworthy or relatable than Joey. Matt LeBlanc He played Joey Tribbiani magnificently and brought to this role all the facets of a true friend: humor and emotion, intelligence but sometimes idiotic and, most importantly, a good heart and care for Chandler, Ross, Monica, Rachel and Phoebe.

Perhaps Joey is one of the few characters who depict how a mature personality and childish behavior coexist.. Ohh! This statement is related to a scene, right? Well, in Season 2, Episode 2, where Joey’s date Melanie says, “There’s a baby inside this man (Joey).” Chandler then jokes, “Yeah, the doctors say if they remove it, he’ll die.” This sarcastic humor of Friends never fails to make his audience laugh, and it’s no surprise that Joey has some of the most quoted lines today. Some of these quotes have even made it into Friends‘ goods.

Friends TV Series Poster


Release date
September 22, 1994




10 “Joey doesn’t share food!”

Season 10, Episode 9 (2004)

friends Joey Tribbiani tells Phoebe, "Joey doesn't share food "
Image via Warner Bros. Television

Viewers may recall a storyline, Joey saying, “I need to organize my thoughts,” and Chandler responding, “Thoughts? (laughs politely) Plural?” Well, Joey does indeed have plural thoughts: women and food. And, he is confused about choosing one, unwilling to give up either. Joey’s love for food has made him a very resonant personality.

To show off Joey’s passion for food, Joey tried to save the sandwich during a gunshot (car backfire). A more hilarious episode is when Phoebe sets Joey up on a date with her friend Sarah. During their date, Sarah ordered a salad and water and reached into Joey’s plate for some fries. Joey found this totally inappropriate and decided to dump her. Even more ridiculous, Joey didn’t even let Emma eat a few leftover grapes, making the funny joke about not sharing them..

9 “It hurts my Joey’s apple.”

Season 7, Episode 14 (2001)

Chandler (Matthew Perry) stands with his hands on his hips and looks at Joey (Matt LeBlanc), who is sitting on a chair in Friends
Image via NBC

Joey’s lack of social awareness is his most distinctive trait, as he often chooses to do absurd things and sometimes says things that don’t make sense. Whether it’s general knowledge, politics, or basic mathematics, Joey is oblivious to the world around him. Joey tries to question every principle of life, which is why those scenes are titled “Joey being Joey”.

In one of the funniest Friends episodes “The One Where They All Turn Thirty”, during Monica’s thirtieth birthday party, Chandler checks on everything and finds that Joey has taken off his tie. Joey apologizes: “Joey’s apple hurts.” As usual, Chandler comes in to explain to Joey that the Adam’s apple is not named after an individual. The scene couldn’t be funnier after Chandler’s explanation, and now Joey knows that his anatomy isn’t as unique as he thinks..

8 “Occupation? Dinosaur.”

Season 9, Episode 2 (2002)

Ross with broken thumb, Joey fills out form
Image via Warner Bros. Television

Competitiveness and overreaction seem to run in the Geller family. Like Monica, Ross has inherited these traits. At the hospital, Joey accidentally proposes to Rachel and offends Ross. To make things right, Joey tries to apologize in the cafeteria, and the scene unintentionally turns hilarious.

Joey asks Ross to punch him. However, Joey dodges the punch and Ross hits a pole and breaks his thumb. Both protagonists end up in the hospital and Joey fills out the form on Ross’s behalf. One of the best puns comes when Joey fills in the occupation category by saying, “Occupation, Dinosaur.” To which Ross replies, “Well, I’m Paleo… (knowing Joey’s vocabulary, Ross didn’t finish the word), Dinosaur is fine… Drawing is not.”

7 “You can’t have SEX in front of a CHILD.”

Season 9, Episode 14 (2003)

Joey and Emma outside Monica's bedroom
Image via Warner Bros. Television

Monica and Chandler’s relationship is one of the deepest, as is Ross and Rachel’s. Even though Joey once had a secret crush on Rachel and has never had a serious relationship, he still knows about the complications Ross has in his relationships. So, he and Phoebe try to mend Ross and Rachel by setting them both up on a date. Meanwhile, Monica and Chandler decide to babysit Emma.

When Joey enters Monica’s apartment, he finds Emma in her crib, and Monica and Chandler have disappeared. Joey takes Emma and heads to Monica’s bedroom, where he discovers that the lovers are having sex, instead of babysitting Emma. This leads to another hilarious quote, “You can’t have SEX, in front of a BABY.” The scene gets funnier when Joey covers Emma’s ears before saying these lines.

6 “Unless you name your firstborn Joey.”

Season 9, Episode 14 (2003)

Joey Tribbiani and Chandler Bing Converse on Friends
Image via Warner Bros. Television

After the above scene of Emma babysitting, another funny moment occurs. After having sex, Mr. and Mrs. Bing discover that Emma is missing. Since Joey had already seen them both having sex, he confronts Monica and Chandler. The two lovebirds ask not to tell Ross and Rachel. Hearing them beg, Joey agrees, but with an “Unless,” to which Chandler replies “Unless what?” This is where the Friends Fanbase Hears Joey Tribbiani’s Most Odd Request.

Joey asks Chandler to name their firstborn Joey. He admits that he may never get married or have children, and wants his last name to continue. Chandler replies, “Your last name is Tribbiani,” upon hearing this, Joey is momentarily confused, laughs politely, and says, “Nice try,” and walks away.

5 “For you the line is a point.”

Season 4, Episode 7 (1997)

Mat LeBlanc as Joey in Friends, speaking angrily
Image via Warner Bros. Television

There is no doubt that Joey is full of pure heart and innocence, and he would never think of betraying his friends. So, of course, in return, he demands the same from others and gets too offended when he is betrayed by his dearest, Chandler. Well, Chandler did it unintentionally. In the Joey and Chandler episode “The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line”, Chandler confesses that his bond with Kathy has strengthened, and they kissed first.

Chandler admits, “I crossed the line.” Joey responds angrily but wittily, “Cross the line? You’re so far over the line you can’t even see it!” The plot gets funnier when Joey adds, “You’re a point over the line.” This moment shows how unknowingly comical Joey can be, even in difficult times..

4 “It’s a moooo point.”

Season 7, Episode 8 (2000)

Mat LeBlanc as Joey in Friends, holding cans
Image via Warner Bros. Television

While Joey may not seem mature in most situations, he has his own ways of delivering advice in a distinct style. Even though his words may seem out of left field, the advice has always been logical. One such notable piece of advice was when Rachel was having a hard time figuring out if the guy was interested in her back. Joey tells her, “Rach, the big question is, does he like you? If he doesn’t like you, then it’s all just a moo dot!” Rachel asks, “What? A ‘moo’ dot?” to which Joey replies, “Yeah, it’s a moo dot. It’s like a cow’s opinion, you know. It just doesn’t matter. It’s moo!”

Joey’s poor spelling ability and his poorly managed way of looking at the world made him funnier.. Viewers may have initially thought of the “moo point” as the “moo point.” However, it is Joey’s humorous way of expressing moo (the sound a cow makes) and a lighthearted way of defining something irrelevant.

3 “The refrigerator broke, I had to eat everything.”

Season 6, Episode 19 (2000)

Joey, sitting on the couch and eating ice cream
Image via Warner Bros. Television

As Joey’s acting career is full of ups and downs, viewers see Joey struggling for money. This situation becomes even more alarming when Chandler decides to move in with Monica. At this unfortunate time, Joey’s refrigerator breaks and, unexpectedly, Joey goes to eat everything in the refrigerator before it expires.

When Chandler enters the room and sees Joey with several cans and wrappers, Joey admits, “Well, the fridge broke, so I had to eat it all.” This is another classic example expressing Joey’s love for food and not letting it go to waste. It’s also just a funny reminder that he’s not exactly the smartest character in Friends.

2 “You hide my clothes, I wear everything you own.”

Season 3, Episode 2 (1996)

Joey wears all of Chandler's clothes
Image via Warner Bros. Television

Joey and Chandler really show the crazy things that best friends do. These two really show the waste of energy in a senseless competition. In the episode, “The One Where No One’s Ready”, Ross walks into the room and sees no one ready for the party. Ross asks Chandler to get ready first, and then asks Joey to get ready. Joey finds that his underwear is missing and Chandler has hidden it. Joey walks into the bedroom, looking for his underwear, and Chandler smiles, “What underwear?” In retaliation, Joey decides to do the exact opposite of hiding his underwear to Chandler.

Joey storms out of the bedroom and comes back wearing all of Chandler’s clothes. When he arrives, Joey says, “Hide my underwear, I wear everything you own.” This is without a doubt one of the funniest scenes in Friends. It’s made even funnier when Chandler makes a wisecracking face and says, “This is not at all the opposite of hiding someone’s underwear.” Isn’t that the best revenge of the entire series?

1 “How is it going’?”

Multiple seasons and episodes

Joey from his friends asks him for his classic opening line:
Image via Warner Bros. Television

Of all of Joey’s quotes, “How you doin’?” is the most famous and has become synonymous with the character.. Joey has his stunning looks, charming charm, and flirting techniques, but “How you doin’?” is Joey’s most iconic catchphrase and hooker. He even stunned Monica Geller with Joey’s perfect timing. Aside from a few exceptions like Janine Lecroix, “How you doin’?” has triumphed every time.

The first instance of this phrase being used occurs in Season 4, Episode 13: “The One With Rachel’s Crush,” where Joey introduces his moves. Sure, it’s a simple phrase, but the way Joey said it became iconic. With a confident, eye-crinkling smile, and a sense of raised-brow intimacy, a simple phrase became an instant sensation.

NEXT: The Saddest ‘Friends’ Episodes, Ranked

Written by Anika Begay

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