
Who is Tav in Baldur’s Gate 3?


  • The option to change name in
    Baldur’s Gate 3
    It’s hidden and can easily be overlooked during character creation.
  • Initially it was not possible to change a character’s name once assigned.
  • However, thanks to the Magic Mirror, it is now possible.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has more than its fair share of mysteries, with hidden endings, obscure side quests, and mind-scratching puzzles, but the most baffling of all is Tav’s identity. Even after launch, players continue to discover new things to do as they journey through the Forgotten Realms. It’s a truly massive game, and it seems like new oddities and Easter eggs are being found and shared every day.

However, the biggest mystery in Baldur’s Gate 3 is right in front of the players’ eyes, and it’s hard to find easy answers. The name Tav is present from the beginning, and if you’re not careful, it can follow the party throughout the game. Fortunately, this mystery is easily solved, even if the game hides the answer somewhat.


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Tav is the default name for custom characters in Baldur’s Gate 3

“Tav” generically refers to any non-Dark Urge custom player character

A tiefling player character in Baldur's Gate 3, with a beard and shoulder-length white hair. He stands before a starry backdrop, surrounded by an ethereal rendering of the character customization menu.

Table” is the default name That Baldur’s Gate 3 assigns to custom characters until the player changes it. However, it is also becoming common parlance as a generic term for the very concept of a player character, in the same way”Dragon’s Blood” was used for Skyrim AND “AND” is used for Cyberpunk 2077It is gender-neutral, monosyllabic, and easy to pronounce in any language.

While it may appear in the game if the player chooses to keep it or neglects to choose another name, “Table” can be used interchangeably, either as the name of a particular character or as a generic term for the Baldur’s Gate 3 player character, on Steam community forums, and in social media posts.

Where does the name “Tav” come from?

The default name of BG3 is a reference to a small part of the game’s development

Baldur's Gate 3 Female Wood Elf Monk in Character Creation Menu

Apparently, “Tav” is not just a random name – before the official announcement of Baldur’s Gate 3The game was first teased by Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke towards the end of a Gameumentary documentary on YouTube (around 1:07:57), which focused on the studio’s previous game Deity: Original Sin 2In it, Vincke referred to the then unannounced Baldur’s Gate 3 from his code name, “Project Gustav”, from which the default player name “Tav” comeswhich represents a little Easter Egg for players who have followed Larian since the studio’s previous games.

Some players have speculated that “Tav” might be short for “tavern,” as a reference to a common starting point for the
campaigns that
takes much inspiration from, or alternatively references to, the fact that “Tav” is the last letter of some alphabets, such as Hebrew, but given the connection to “Gustav”, these other references are likely coincidental, or at least not the primary intent of the default player name.

Furthermore, the name “Gustav” is itself a reference to Vincke’s real-life dog of the same namemaking “Tav” also a reference to the game’s lead developer. Further references to the name Gustav can be found throughout the game’s files, and multiplayer campaigns load as Gustav, giving players greater insight into the development process of Baldur’s Gate 3 a few little Easter Eggs to find. While this is a relatively small part of the game’s story, the hidden details can be fun to find for players who have been following the game’s development closely.

Can you change your name from Tav in Baldur’s Gate 3?

BG3’s name change options in character creation can be easy to overlook

Withers, a suitably withered skeleton, is depicted in a grassy clearing in a screenshot from Baldur's Gate 3.

The name change option is easy to overlook. It’s hidden in the “Background” submenu of the character creatorwhich seems like a relatively unimportant option unless character lore is the player’s priority. Character creation is a complicated process with multiple steps, and it’s easy to miss the name option in all the excitement of starting a new Baldur’s Gate 3 save file. If the character name is not filled in, the game defaults to Tav, and many people may find themselves playing with a name they never chose.

At launch, there was no way to change a character’s name in Baldur’s Gate 3which meant people were stuck with it. However, Baldur’s Gate 3 Character customization has been updated in five patches since launch and It is now possible to change the player character’s name via the Magic MirrorThis was a much-needed improvement and, thankfully, it means that people no longer have to be stuck with the Tav nickname if they don’t want it.

All in all, Tav is a pretty perfect catch-all name for player characters in general. However, it can be frustrating to forget to name a character and be stuck with the default option, only to realize your mistake just when it would have been a pain to start over. Fortunately, the Magic Mirror in Baldur’s Gate 3 now it means you can change names.

Source: Gameumentary/YouTube

Written by Anika Begay

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