
An easily overlooked Fallout faction could have major implications for the Fallout universe


  • Aliens play a role in various
    games, from the originals to the DLC, that influence factions and technologies.
  • Aliens make a small appearance in almost every
    game made.
  • It is not clear whether
    The creators want fans to take the alien lore seriously or consider it as an Easter egg that impacts the canon.

While Fall fans were originally limited to a smaller group of players who had enjoyed the series at some point in the franchise’s history, with the introduction of the Fall television program, a whole new audience has an interest in the lore and history of the universe. While Fall While factions like the Brotherhood of Steel and the pseudo-remnants of the NCR debuted alongside the series in April on Amazon Prime, there are several other factions and entire species within the games that have yet to be explored.

While Ghouls are obviously a central theme, other entities such as mutants and Synths have never appeared in its eight-episode run. That said, there is an even deeper “faction” of creatures that have played a role in the vast majority of Fall games that aren’t talked about much, either because of their limited impact on the game’s overall story or because of their complex origins that could conflict with canon and create problems with the games’ main narrative.


The Entire Fallout Timeline Explained: When Every Fallout Game Takes Place in Canon

While each game in the Fallout series is largely a standalone story, each has its place in the franchise’s canonical timeline.

Aliens have played a role in many Fallout games

A curious and hard to find game Inclusion

For some, aliens fit into the retro-futuristic post-apocalyptic atomic age of Fall franchising, but for others it distracts from the main narrative of human conflict. Aliens have appeared in some form in Fallout 1-3, New Las Vegas, Fallout 4AND Fallout 76. In the Fall universe, different types of aliens appear, but the the most predominant race are the Zeta alienswhich have been further developed in Fallout 3 DLC and expansion, Mothership Zeta.

Mothership Zeta
The Lone Wanderer is kidnapped and the DLC is set on the alien ship.

In the very first FallAliens made a brief appearance during the special encounter called “Alien Ship”. During this encounter, the player can find a UFO covered in sand with the words “Area 51 Property, Return If Found” on it. There are also two aliens, one with an alien blaster. While this is the extent of the interaction, it was the first introduction of space travelers to the game.


Wait, do aliens actually exist in Fallout?

The Fallout TV series is missing an essential element from the video games, and here’s how aliens could influence the series in the future.

It’s unclear what impact the aliens have on Fallout lore.

It could be huge, or it could all be a joke.King Mirelurk stands among the rocks in Fallout 4.

While the background of the Zeta aliens has been well outlined at this point, It is unclear how seriously the Fall The creators want fans to take the tradition of the previous games, Mothership Zetaand other published tertiary media as the Fallout 3 Official Game Guidewhich goes into more detail about the extraterrestrial beings. According to those materials, aliens have been around since the 1960s and have influenced factions like the Enclave and even the Brotherhood of Steel via alien power cells and other technologies.

While their impact can be felt in-game, direct interactions with aliens outside of specific content are rare. While it could explain some of the technology found in the universe, it seems like a rather generic term for things, and it’s unclear whether it’s just an Easter egg or if it’s meant to be taken seriously. Either way, viewers are much more likely to see Super Mutants and other more prevalent ones. Fall creatures before aliens even appeared.

Fallout Franchise Tag Page Cover

Created by
Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky

Written by Anika Begay

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